
Showing posts from January, 2016

There's a Penny on the Floor

Or, I Fondly Recall One Night When I Was 17 and Awesome (For my high school physics teacher. Sorry I got a 94 on that test. No, there was no problem at home. I was just having a moment.) I am thinking about moments. I am thinking about one specific moment. Maybe it's the weather. The time of year. The event I just saw advertised that's celebrating the 20-year anniversary of an album I bought when I was a senior in high school. But I have moments on my mind. This moment isn't about the aforementioned album and its band, though. It's about another band. Same local flavor. Same collection of yinzers. Their shows today attract the same women with giant hair drinking Coors Light or wine coolers or pink cocktails. They have teenagers or college students now, kids as old as they were when they saw This Band the first time around. They make poor decisions about leather clothing. They totter to the bar on heels higher than they should probably wear these days. The young...