Sugar We're Goin' Down
Or "I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a [blog]" Once upon a time, there was a youngish-but-not-too-young girl who was oddly comfortable in her skin for the first time in years. That skin was more plentiful than most peoples', and filled out quite a bit from the bad luck of her genetic code and a predisposition to love cookies more than the average Jane. But mostly she was fine with that. She was good at her work, worked hard at being good and never thought much about if she was too much like everyone else. She was a near-sighted, neurotic nerd. She was a voracious reader and movie lover. She was herself and it seemed to be working for her. She was doing OK. Then she met someone and he wasn't a bad dude really. Just sort of odd. But he liked to compare her to his previous lady friends. And for the first time she felt like everything she did needed to support the thesis that she was not like every other female he'd...