Lose a Waxy
This blog is supposed to be about how I'm fat, and the trials and tribulations of trying to go from fat to "Hey, that girl's just got a little more to love than most others." But first I want to bring you a special public (pubic?) service announcement about a life-changing topic. Something so important that once you read this your eyes will spring from your ocular cavity in utter amazement that no one has yet to tell you this. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to talk about the perils of bikini waxing. I have a reputation as something of an oversharer, but I think too few people understand what happens not during a bikini wax -- that's pretty clear, actually -- but after you pull the pants up and head back home. If you're a girl (or manscaping gent) who gets the hair ripped out of normal places, you'll likely be just fine when you get home. Oh sure, some wax might have stuck around up front and hardened, sealing your skin to your undies for a...