A Letter to My Ankle, With a Post-Script for My Knee
Dear Ankle, I won't mince words. You started acting like a jackass in October. I know, you hate yoga. But it's supposed to be good for me. FOR US. You and I, we're on the same team. But no. You're all "Ha ha. This chubby lady is trying to get healthy, find her lost flexibility and chill the fuck out. I'll show her." I heard your message loud and clear, buddy, so we went to the doctor and got that stupid brace with so many laces and velcro that I felt like I was putting you in bondage every morning. My birthday. Christmas. New Year's. Valentine's Day. They all came and went, and you stayed angry and inflamed. And I stayed chubby and miserable. Well, no more, ankle. No. More. You'll no doubt notice that we recently began rising at the ass crack of dawn to engage in physical therapy, where you're required to do stressful things. Things that make you scream in almost-but-not-quite-so-it's-not-really-hurting-you pain(ish) and that ma...