Root Canal and Whiskey

Today I had a root canal. And apparently, I lived to write about it.

Root canals get a bad rap, I think. When my new dentist first mentioned the possibility that I might need one, I freaked out. I pictured some sort of "Little Shop of Horrors" sequel. My dentist did everything she could to prevent the root canal, but in the past few weeks, my symptoms worsened and it was pretty clear the tooth needed attention. They scheduled me pretty quickly and today I bit the bullet.

Some things.

  1. The worst part is, by far, keeping your mouth open that long. It really starts to hurt and it's all you can think about. But if you have a good endodontist, they're upfront about that and they don't sugarcoat it. At least they stick something in your mouth to keep it open, so that helps. But your jaw will ache.
  2. For me specifically, I was convinced I was going suffocate on my own post-nasal drip. My head was lower than the rest of my body, so gunk ran and ran down the back of my throat and I couldn't swallow because my mouth was wrenched open. I managed a few low swallows, but a few times I thought I might gag to death on snot. Gross.
  3. They do a lot of sketchy things to your tooth, but they keep you mercifully numb. Like, they continued to numb me throughout the process when I felt sharp stabby pains. (Or, "shaawwwp," in my "I have my mouth full of crap" language. I swear they were using an auger in my face, but the worst thing I felt was the force the doctor exerted on my face to do whatever he had to do. 
  4.  They apparently seal off the canals they deadened, and they do it with some sort of hot nastiness. Or "stahhhhnks," in my new language. (Stinks.) Ugh. It's so bad. I can still smell it. 

Even with those four things, it wasn't nearly as bad as the dental work I had in December to try to prevent this root canal. They made me comfortable. They worked as quickly as they could. And I've encountered few things in life that feel as good as sitting up when it was over and being able to close my mouth again. Sure, I was covered in spit and powder from the latex they put over your mouth to protect you. But that all didn't seem to matter. And so far, I feel OK. But apparently my face can start swelling up any time in the next two days and it's considered normal. So I won't count my chickens until about this time next week.

The very very best thing about this whole day, though? There was a liquor store right below the endodontist's office. And thanks to that, I have a bottle of Jameson Black Barrel waiting for me when I get home.


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