Pandemic Log and Solo Karaoke: 4-13-2020

Status: Alive, but my eyes are hot. What does that mean?
Mood: I didn't start this fire.
Snacks: I still firmly believe that cake for breakfast isn't a snack.

Why hello! Welcome back to Susie's Pandemic Log and Solo Karaoke! I took a bit of a long break, didn't I? No post on Friday or all weekend. I was blissfully away from technology (minus my phone) for most of that time and, frankly, felt like reading instead of writing. So that's what I did. I also tried to organize my family into an Easter Zoom call and that, well. That needs some work. We'll get there someday. Finally, I pulled weeds in my yard without my gardening gloves and I look like I was in a knife fight.

I've been thinking about my "rang-ed" episode from last Monday's karaoke and I wonder if that was supposed to be "ranged" (in the sense of "to sail or pass along," as my friends at Merriam-Webster define it). But if you listen to the song, it's clearly "rang." Things don't usually "range out like a bell." So I think I stand by my horror.

Speaking of karaoke, I'm trying to pick themes for each day's song to make choosing one less stressful. (Fact: there are a lot of songs! Also fact: not all of them are fun to sing and it's easy to get overwhelmed with options.) Since I rapped along with Vanilla Ice last week, I decided that Mondays will be Move-It Monday. Lots of words moving fairly quickly that could result in hilarious mistakes. This week: "We Didn't Start the Fire." No dress rehearsal, and it shows. Enjoy! Sing along! Record yourself and we'll have a party!

(Apologies in advance for the piece of dry skin on my lip and such an unflattering angle!)



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