Pandemic Blog and Solo Karaoke: 4-16-2020

Status: Dreaming of hammocks and sunny days. Oh, and alive. Yay!
Mood: Why can't dishes wash themselves?
Snacks: Oooh! I just remembered I have one piece of cake left. Woohoo!

Today would have been Spring Carnival at CMU, which is basically the one time each year CMU students have fun. While I was super involved in Carnival my sophomore and junior years, it wasn't until my senior year that I really cut loose and enjoyed myself. At that point, I had about one month left on campus, my GPA was solidly above 3.5 and I assumed no one was going to throw me out or take away my scholarship money. Unlike this weekend, the weather was gorgeous -- in the 80s and sunny. I went to a party! I went to Buggy! We wondered around Oakland and Shadyside like normal people. It was great!

So my heart goes out to this year's CMU seniors, in particular, who busted ass for almost four years only to lose their month or so of fun. (Although I feel like the campus culture has changed and there is more conviviality lately. But there is, still, just as much complaining about no sleep and who has more homework. I know. I work there.) It really really sucks for them. And nothing "virtual" makes it better.

Usually the Kiltie Band would open Spring Carnival with a concert, but clearly that couldn't happen this year. So here's my shoutout to the Kilties, who are fighting for the glory of Carnegie, even if they're all at home. :(


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